Physics Draw

Physics Draw is available for almost all Carbon nodes. These visualizations are to help gain a better understanding of what the actual physics solver processes.

We recommend to always use Physics Draw, as its the only tool to visualize the real size / thickness of Carbon objects, which impacts your perception of the “look”, and shows exactly what surfaces are colliding and to highlight any issues with either geometry or any Carbon node’s settings, such as accidentally applying a way too large thickness value to a Carbon Cloth.

Per Node Control

Almost every Carbon node has a Physics Draw section, which contains a Draw Mode dropdown. Setting the Draw Mode to None will disable the Physics Draw for that individual node only.

Simulation-Wide Control

The Carbon Simulation Physics Draw tick box is a simulation-wide override to turn on and off all Physics Draw for all nodes assigned to that simulation. If this is unticked, no Physics Draw will be displayed for any nodes assigned to that simulation, irrespective of the nodes’ individual settings.


In summary, a node’s Physics Draw is only visible when all of these factors are true:

  • Node’s Draw Mode dropdown is set to anything but None.
  • Simulation Physics Draw box is ticked.