
Carbon Cloth



Object node.


This object node defines a cloth simulation object, its import geometry, and the cloth parameters.


A Carbon Cloth.


Input #1 - Start Geometry

Start mesh.


While the Start Mesh input geometry may be animated, the Carbon Cloth will only read the geometry at the Simulation Start Frame.

Input #2 - Reference Geometry

Optional Reference Mesh.

The reference metrics allow the cloth to simulate based on physically correct metrics, no matter what the metrics in the start mesh might be.


When no reference mesh is specified, the start pose geometry is also used as the reference pose.

Input #3 - Goal Geometry

Optional Goal Mesh.

The goal pose allows the cloth to match the specified pose during the simulation.

The goal pose geometry is usually used animated, or enabled for a short period of time through the Skin strength parameters.

If no Goal Mesh is set, all Goal Skin parameters are grayed out and cannot be edited.


The goal pose geometry needs to respect the same topology as the one found on the reference pose.


Carbon Node Name carbonNodeName

The name of the Carbon node that will be spawned internally. This name can be different from the UI node, and will be used for constraints or filters.

Activation activation

Enable this object. Use 0 to disable, any other value to enable.

Stasis stasis

Tick to place this object into stasis mode. Can be animated.

Stasis Mode triggers a dynamics integration that ignores all action forces and wipes out all kinetic energy, reducing motion and deformation to only result from the reaction forces generated by constraints, such as collision, joints, or soft body primitives.


If the Carbon Simulation’s Lead Simulation parameter Stasis Mode is toggled on, this node will also be in Stasis mode during the Lead Simulation, even if this node’s Stasis parameter is toggled off.

Cloth Model clothModel

There are 3 pre-set material models available:

  • Face-Segment-Crease: Has angular, edge and area preservation constraints.

  • Tailored: An extension of Face-Segment-Crease, introducing anisotropy through the support of different parameter settings for Weft, Warp, and Bias.


    Tailored cloth model only works with triangle geometry!

  • Segment-Crease: Faster as it only has edge and angular controls.


Choose the material model that translates best into how you want your mesh to physically behave. Choosing the model defines how and where the cloth will bend and deform.

Cloth Material

Material material

Select a Carbon Cloth Material. This Material will be used to apply cloth attribute values to and read from.

From Material

Click to apply cloth attribute values from the selected Carbon Cloth Material onto this Cloth node.

To Material

Click to apply cloth attribute values from the this Cloth node onto the selected Carbon Cloth Material.

Status status

Status messages.

Use Material useMaterial

Tick to directly use the selected Material for this Cloth. All parameters that are controlled by the Material are hidden when enabled.


Activated collisionActivated

Untick this box to remove all collision between this Cloth and itself and all other Carbon nodes in the same simulation.

If unticked, all other Collision parameters will be disabled, as well as all Collision Material and Aerodynamics parameters.


  • A Cloth without collision activated cannot act as parent node in a Carbon Binding constraint.
  • A Cloth without collision activated cannot interact with any Carbon Flow nodes.

Edge Collision edgeCollision

Tick this box to change the cloth collision model from primitives to edges.

Primitive Group groupA

Selection of primitives that are used for collision.


  • Collision can only be set to Primitive Group, or Edge Group, not a combination of both.
  • This parameter is optional.
  • If left empty or set to *, all primitives of the Start Mesh will be used.
  • This parameter is only available if collision is activated. See Activated.
  • This parameter is only available if Edge Collision is unticked.

Edge Group groupA

Selection of edges that are used for collision.


  • Collision can only be set to Edge Group, or Primitive Group, not a combination of both.
  • Cannot be empty.
  • If set to *, all edges of the Start Mesh will be used.
  • This parameter is only available if collision is activated. See Activated.
  • This parameter is only available if Edge Collision is ticked.

Thickness thickness

Thickness of the cloth. In scene units.


This parameter is only available if collision is activated. See Activated.

Self Collide selfCollide

Enable self-collision for this cloth against itself.


This parameter is only available if collision is activated. See Activated.

Use Self Thickness useSelfThickness

Tick to use a Self Thickness for self-collision for this cloth. If left unticked, the Thickness value will be used for Self Thickness. In scene units.


This parameter is only available if collision is activated. See Activated.

Self Thickness selfThickness

Self Thickness of the cloth. In scene units.


This parameter is only available if collision is activated. See Activated.


Animated Metrics metricsAnimated

Enable animated reference geometry metrics by evaluating and updating the reference lengths at every frame.

Animated Angles anglesAnimated

Enable animated reference geometry angles by evaluating and updating the reference angles at every frame.

Angle Threshold flatAngle

The angle is measured in degrees; therefore, the range of this value is 0-180.

When using the Face-Segment-Crease, or the Segment-Crease model: Angular threshold to override the reference geometry crease angles with flat angles. Reference crease angles found below this threshold value will be replaced by flat angles. At a value of 0, none of the existing angles will be overwritten, whereas a value of 180 will force the use of flat angles for the complete cloth.

When using the Tailored model: Angular threshold to set the tailored seaming angles to flat angles. Seaming angles found above this threshold value on the start pose geometry will be set to their respective start pose angles. At a value of 0, none of the existing start pose angles will be overwritten, whereas a value of 180 will force the use of flat angles for the complete cloth.

Wrinkles Limit wrinklesLimit

Painted point attribute name: wrinkles

Wrinkle angular limit applied to the wrinkle painted attribute map. The default value is 180 degrees. Using a negative value will reverse the map.

Reference Blend

Blended Reference blendedReference

Tick to enable blended reference between start and reference pose.

Base Parameters

Reference Blend referenceBlendBase

Reference blend.

Allows for blended reference between start and reference pose.

Range Parameters

Reference Blend referenceBlendRange

Painted point attribute name: referenceBlend

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.


Animated densityAnimated

Enable animated parameters for this section by evaluating and updating the values at every frame.


It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.

Base Parameters

Density densityBase

Cloth density.

Unit in \(kg/m\) when using Segment-Crease model.

Unit in \(kg/m^2\) when using Face-Segment-Crease or the Tailored model.

Range Parameters

Density densityRange

Painted point attribute name: density

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.


Animated stretchAnimated

Enable animated parameters for this section by evaluating and updating the values at every frame.


It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.

Base Parameters

Stiffness stretchStiffnessBase

Cloth stretch stiffness (\(mass/time^2\)).

Viscosity stretchViscosityBase

Cloth stretch viscosity (dimensionless).

Compression stretchCompressionBase

Cloth stretch compression, must be strictly greater than 0 and always be smaller than or equal to extension.

Extension stretchExtensionBase

Cloth stretch extension, must be strictly greater than 0 and always greater than or equal to compression.

Equilibrium stretchEquilibriumBase

Cloth stretch resting length (equilibrium) as a ratio of the reference length.

Use 1 for the default resting length.

Range Parameters

Stiffness stretchStiffnessRange

Painted point attribute name: stretchStiffness

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Viscosity stretchViscosityRange

Painted point attribute name: stretchViscosity

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Compression stretchCompressionRange

Painted point attribute name: stretchCompression

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Extension stretchExtensionRange

Painted point attribute name: stretchExtension

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Equilibrium stretchEquilibriumRange

Painted point attribute name: stretchEquilibrium

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Weft Warp Bias Factors

Stiffness stretchStiffnessWeft stretchStiffnessWarp stretchStiffnessBias

The weft and warp and bias factors that allow for anisotropy when set to unequal values.


This parameter is only accessible when using the Tailored model.

Equilibrium stretchEquilibriumWeft stretchEquilibriumWarp stretchEquilibriumBias

The weft and warp and bias factors that allow for anisotropy when set to unequal values.


This parameter is only accessible when using the Tailored model.


Animated bendAnimated

Enable animated parameters for this section by evaluating and updating the values at every frame.


It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.

Base Parameters

Stiffness bendStiffnessBase

Cloth angular stiffness (\(mass * length^2 / time^2 / degree\)).

Viscosity bendViscosityBase

Cloth angular viscosity (dimensionless).

Yield bendYieldBase

Cloth angular yield (\(degree\)), between 0 and 180.

Plasticity bendPlasticityBase

Cloth angular plasticity, between 0 and 1.

Limit bendLimitBase

Cloth crease angular limit (\(degree\)), between 0 and 180.

Range Parameters

Stiffness bendStiffnessRange

Painted point attribute name: bendStiffness

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Viscosity bendViscosityRange

Painted point attribute name: bendViscosity

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Yield bendYieldRange

Painted point attribute name: bendYield

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Plasticity bendPlasticityRange

Painted point attribute name: bendPlasticity

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Limit bendLimitRange

Painted point attribute name: bendLimit

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Weft Warp Bias Factors

Stiffness bendStiffnessWeft bendStiffnessWarp bendStiffnessBias

The weft and warp and bias factors that allow for anisotropy when set to unequal values.


This parameter is only accessible when using the Tailored model.


Animated surfaceAnimated

Enable animated parameters for this section by evaluating and updating the values at every frame.


  • It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.
  • This parameter is only accessible when using the Face-Segment-Crease or the Tailored model.

Base Parameters

Compression surfaceCompressionBase

Cloth surface compression, must be strictly greater than 0 and smaller than or equal to extension.


This parameter is only accessible when using the Face-Segment-Crease or the Tailored model.

Extension surfaceExtensionBase

Cloth surface extension, must be strictly greater than 0 and greater than or equal to compression.


This parameter is only accessible when using the Face-Segment-Crease or the Tailored model.

Pressure surfacePressureBase

Unit in \(mass/length/time^2\).

Describes the force per area over a surface exercised by a virtual fluid.


Explicit force, so high values can produce instability.


This parameter is only accessible when using the Face-Segment-Crease or the Tailored model.

See also

Surface Pressure

Range Parameters

Compression surfaceCompressionRange

Painted point attribute name: surfaceCompression

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.


This parameter is only accessible when using the Face-Segment-Crease or the Tailored model.

Extension surfaceExtensionRange

Painted point attribute name: surfaceExtension

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.


This parameter is only accessible when using the Face-Segment-Crease or the Tailored model.

Pressure surfacePressureRange

Painted point attribute name: surfacePressure

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.


This parameter is only accessible when using the Face-Segment-Crease or the Tailored model.

Viscous Damping

Animated viscousDampingAnimated

Enable animated parameters for this section by evaluating and updating the values at every frame.


It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.

Base Parameters

Viscous Damping viscousDampingBase

Cloth viscous damping (\(1/time\)), damping control over the nodes’ group cohesion. While the viscous damping does not affect the kinetic energy of the cloth, it globally constrains all the nodes to have velocities aligning with the barycentric velocity of the cloth. This term is extremely powerful considering that it is capable of dissipating local vibrations and error terms.

See also

Viscous Damping

Range Parameters

Viscous Damping viscousDampingRange

Painted point attribute name: viscousDamping

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Velocity Reducer

Animated reducerAnimated

Enable animated parameters for this section by evaluating and updating the values at every frame.


It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.

Base Parameters

Reducer reducerBase

Cloth velocity reducer. Ranges from 0 to 1, where a value of 0 has no effect and 1 removes 100% of the vertex velocity.

Range Parameters

Reducer reducerRange

Painted point attribute name: reducer

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.


Animated forcesAnimated

Enable animated parameters for this section by evaluating and updating the values at every frame.


It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.

Base Parameters

Forces forcesBase

Cloth forces.

Unit in \(Newton\).


  • Continually applying forces produces infinite acceleration.
  • The effect of forces is proportional to the mass of the objects / nodes they are applied to.

Range Parameters

Forces forcesRange

Painted point attribute name: force

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Collision Material


This section is only available if collision is activated. See Activated.

Animated materialAnimated

Enable animated parameters for this section by evaluating and updating the values at every frame.


It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.

Static Friction staticFriction

Cloth’s static friction, greater than or equal to 0 and greater than or equal to dynamic friction.

See also


Dynamic Friction dynamicFriction

Cloth’s dynamic friction, greater than or equal to 0 and smaller than or equal to static friction.

See also




This section is only available if collision is activated. See Activated.


Aerodynamics / Carbon Flow does not currently work properly with Carbon Simulation Simulation Space. When using Aerodynamics in a Carbon Simulation that has a non-default Simulation Space, it will neither take the Simulation Space’s transform, nor its local velocity from the animation into account.

Animated aerodynamicsAnimated

Enable animated parameters for this section by evaluating and updating the values at every frame.


It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.

Base Parameters

Form Drag formDragBase

Aerodynamics form drag. Shapes with a large apparent cross section exposed to the air flow and with a high form drag coefficient will receive more drag than thinner ones.


Explicit force, so high values can produce instability.

See also


Skin Drag skinDragBase

Aerodynamics skin drag. Friction of the skin against the air flow. Usually much smaller, and never bigger than form drag.


Explicit force, so high values can produce instability.

See also


Lift liftBase

Aerodynamics lift. Lift force coefficient.Aerodynamic force that is perpendicular to the direction of the oncoming air flow.


Explicit force, so high values can produce instability.

See also


Range Parameters

Form Drag formDragRange

Painted point attribute name: formDrag

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Skin Drag skinDragRange

Painted point attribute name: skinDrag

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Lift liftRange

Painted point attribute name: lift

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Goal Skin

If no Goal Pose is set, all Goal Skin parameters are grayed out and cannot be edited.

Enable Goal Pose enableGoalPose

Enable/disable the goal posing without having to remove the connection to Goal Mesh. If disabled, all Goal Skin parameters are grayed out and cannot be edited.

Animated Goal Pose goalPoseAnimated

Enable animated goal pose geometry by evaluating and updating the position targets at every frame.

Animated Goal Skin goalSkinAnimated

Enable animated parameters for this section by evaluating and updating the values at every frame.


It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.

Velocity Limit goalSkinVelocityLimit

The maximum relative velocity between a simulated and animated node.

Base Parameters

Strength goalSkinStrengthBase

The goal skin maximum strength.

Viscosity goalSkinViscosityBase

The goal skin viscosity to cope with fast moving motions.

Viscous behavior between a node and its animation.

Range Parameters

Strength goalSkinStrengthRange

Painted point attribute name: goalSkinStrength

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Viscosity goalSkinViscosityRange

Painted point attribute name: goalSkinViscosity

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Lower Threshold

Strength goalSkinLowerThreshold

The strength threshold below which a node is not skin constrained. The value for this attribute ranges from 0 to 1, interpolating between the lowest and the highest possible goal skin strength (taking both the base and the painted parameter into account).

Upper Threshold

Strength goalSkinUpperThreshold

The strength threshold above which a skinned node becomes kinematic and animated. The value for this attribute ranges from 0 to 1, interpolating between the lowest and the highest possible goal skin strength (taking both the base and the painted parameter into account).

Physics Draw

Physics Draw physicsDraw

This dropdown menu provides different drawing options.

See also

Physics Draw

Use Color useColor

Tick to enable custom color for the Physics Draw.

Color colorr colorg colorb

Custom color for the Physics Draw.

Draw Goal drawGoal

Tick to enable drawing of the goal pose Physics Draw.


This parameter is only available if Enable Goal Pose is ticked.

Import & Export

Import Velocity importVelocity

Tick this box to enable reading initial velocities for this cloth from the Start Mesh velocity vector array attribute, if there is one.

Export Velocity exportVelocity

Tick this box to enable exporting the velocities for this cloth to the output mesh as velocity vector array attribute. These can then be used as input for another cloth simulation, when enabling Velocity Import for that cloth.

Bend Stress bendStress

Tick this box to export the cloth Bend Stress.

Stretch Stress stretchStress

Tick this box to export the cloth Stretch Stress.

Surface Stress surfaceStress

Tick this box to export the cloth Surface Stress.