
Carbon Cloth Material



Utility node.


Cloth material node which stores Carbon Cloth material parameters. These parameters can either be applied to a Carbon Cloth, or be populated from an existing Carbon Cloth.


This node handles most cloth parameters, but is not a complete Carbon Cloth definition. And as such, it does not contain all Carbon Cloth node parameters.


A Carbon Cloth Material node.


Import & Export

File filePath

File path to a json file storing material attribute values.


Press the load button to load attribute values from a json file.


Press the save button to save attribute values to a json file.

Status status

Status messages.

From & To Cloth

Cloth cloth

Select a Carbon Cloth. This Cloth will be used to apply cloth attribute values to and read from.

From Cloth

Click to apply cloth attribute values from the selected Carbon Cloth onto this Material node.

To Cloth

Click to apply cloth attribute values from the this Material node onto the selected Carbon Cloth.

Status status2

Status messages.


List of all Carbon Cloth attributes that can be written to and read from a Carbon Cloth Material. Please refer to the Carbon Cloth Reference page for information on each parameter.

See Also

Carbon Cloth