
Carbon Rigid



Object node.


This node defines an Rigid simulation object.

Rigid nodes can be attached to a Carbon Shape via a Carbon Body, or they can be attached to a Carbon Cloth via a Carbon Welding.


A Carbon Rigid.

See also

User Guide: Actor, Rigid, Shape, Body, Soft


A Carbon Rigid is a dynamic frame. It has a position and orientation, a mass and mass box (inertia). It can be constrained to a Carbon Cloth via Carbon Welding, or be attached to a Carbon Shape via a Carbon Body to form a “Rigid Body”.

To come in future release: Springs, Servos and Rigid Joints (like swing lock, prismatic box joint, spherical joint, etc.) to attach Rigids to Rigids/Actors.

Basically, it’s a Rigid Body, as in what people traditionally consider a RB, but it doesn’t have any collision properties, i.e. doesn’t collide with anything.

Please refer to the Examples & All Downloads page for examples of how a Carbon Rigid can be used, for example in the following scenes: Rigid Body, Actor & Rigid Welding, Barrel Center Of Mass, Pocket Watch, etc.


Carbon Node Name carbonNodeName

The name of the Carbon node that will be spawned internally. This name can be different from the UI node, and will be used for constraints.

Activation activation

Enable this object. Use 0 to disable, any other value to enable.

Stasis stasis

Tick to place this object into stasis mode. Can be animated.

Stasis Mode triggers a dynamics integration that ignores all action forces and wipes out all kinetic energy, reducing motion and deformation to only result from the reaction forces generated by constraints, such as collision, joints, or soft body primitives.


If the Carbon Simulation’s Lead Simulation parameter Stasis Mode is toggled on, this node will also be in Stasis mode during the Lead Simulation, even if this node’s Stasis parameter is toggled off.

Use Bound Attributes useBoundAttributes

Enable to use Bound attributes (xform and radii) for Translate, Rotate, and Extent.


Translate tx ty tz

World coordinate of the Rigid.


This parameter is only available when Use Bound Attributes is not ticked.

Rotate rx ry rz

World rotation of the Rigid.


This parameter is only available when Use Bound Attributes is not ticked.


Mass mass

Mass of the Rigid. Unit in kg.

Extent extentx extenty extentz

Extent of the Rigid.


This parameter is only available when Use Bound Attributes is not ticked.


Linear linearVelocityx linearVelocityy linearVelocityz

Initial Linear Velocity of the Rigid.

Angular angularVelocityx angularVelocityy angularVelocityz

Initial Angular Velocity of the Rigid.

Physics Draw

Physics Draw physicsDraw

This dropdown menu provides different drawing options.