
Carbon Attribute Copy



Utility node.


With this node, you can add paintable Carbon Cloth and Carbon Tissue attributes to the geometry, initialize them and copy point attribute values from any valid Source Attribute to the chosen destination attributes.

If a destination attribute does not exist, it is created automatically. Also, if a destination attribute already exists but is not of type float and size 1, then it is removed and recreated. After that, it is initialized with the specified default value. If a valid Source Attribute is provided, its point attribute values are copied to all destination attributes.


Input #1: Surface node

Attach this node to a node containing geometry.


Source Attribute sourceAttribute

The attribute containing the source values to be copied into the specified destination attributes.

Invert Source invert

Invert the source attribute values before the copy (dst = 1 - src).

Destination Attributes

density density

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

volumeCompression volumeCompression

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

volumeExtension volumeExtension

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

surfaceCompression surfaceCompression

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

surfaceExtension surfaceExtension

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

surfacePressure surfacePressure

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

stretchStiffness stretchStiffness

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

stretchViscosity stretchViscosity

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

stretchCompression stretchCompression

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

stretchExtension stretchExtension

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

stretchEquilibrium stretchEquilibrium

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

bendStiffness bendStiffness

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

bendViscosity bendViscosity

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

bendYield bendYield

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

bendPlasticity bendPlasticity

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

bendLimit bendLimit

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

wrinkle wrinkle

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

goalSkinStrength goalSkinStrength

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

goalSkinViscosity goalSkinViscosity

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

viscousDamping viscousDamping

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

reducer reducer

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

formDrag formDrag

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

skinDrag skinDrag

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

lift lift

Select this attribute for creation if it doesn’t already exist, or/and as a copy destination.

Default Values

density densityDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

volumeCompression volumeCompressionDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

volumeExtension volumeExtensionDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

surfaceCompression surfaceCompressionDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

surfaceExtension surfaceExtensionDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

surfacePressure surfacePressureDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

stretchStiffness stretchStiffnessDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

stretchViscosity stretchViscosityDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

stretchCompression stretchCompressionDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

stretchExtension stretchExtensionDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

stretchEquilibrium stretchEquilibriumDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

bendStiffness bendStiffnessDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

bendViscosity bendViscosityDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

bendYield bendYield

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

bendPlasticity bendPlasticityDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

bendLimit bendLimitDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

wrinkle wrinkleDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

goalSkinStrength goalSkinStrengthDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

goalSkinViscosity goalSkinViscosityDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

viscousDamping viscousDampingDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

reducer reducerDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

formDrag formDragDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

skinDrag skinDragDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.

lift liftDefault

Default value to set the attribute values with when it doesn’t already exist and needs to be created.