
Carbon Welding



Constraint node.


A Welding is a collection of attachments between an Actuator (Carbon Actor or Carbon Rigid) and a Soft (Carbon Cloth or Carbon Tissue).

Each attachment is a collection of constraints, called Welds, between points of the Soft and the Actuator.

The point selection group on the Soft is mandatory to define the points that are constrained by a Weld to the Actuator.

The Welding Radius parameter controls the behavior of all the Welds of a Welding:

  1. If the radius is 0, the Welding is a hard Welding constraining the Softs’s points to match their attachment positions.
  2. If the radius is non-zero, the Welding is a soft Welding constraining the Soft’s points to their attachment positions with spring forces, within a sphere of radius Welding Radius centered on their attachment positions.

The Activation parameter can be used to enable, disable, and reset the Welding in the middle of the simulation.


A Carbon Welding.


Input #1 - Nodes Input

Incoming Object and Constraint Data.

Input #2 - Child Reference Mesh

Object B’s pose in the welding reference space.


This parameter is optional.


Carbon Node Name carbonNodeName

The name of the Carbon node that will be spawned internally. This name can be different from the UI node.

Activation activation

Enable this constraint. Use 0 to disable, any other value to enable or re-enable. Changing this value during the simulation to another non-zero value will force the re-activation of this constraint causing it to reset the welding attachment positions.

Actuator objectA

Object A’s Carbon Node Name. Actuator, can be a Carbon Actor or a Carbon Rigid object.

Soft objectB

Object B’s Carbon Node Name. Soft, can be a Carbon Cloth or Carbon Tissue object.

Point Group groupB

The points from Soft’s geometry that are attached to the Actuator.


Animated referenceAnimated

Update the following reference values for this constraint at every frame.


It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.


Use Actuator Transform

Enable to use Actuator (Rigid, Actor) transform.

Position parentPositionx parentPositiony parentPositionz

Welding Actuator reference position.


This parameter is only available if Use Actuator Transform is not enabled.

Rotation parentRotationx parentRotationy parentRotationz

Welding Actuator reference rotation.


This parameter is only available if Use Actuator Transform is not enabled.


Count count

Maximum number of welds that will be procedurally generated.

A value of 0 means that this welding is using all points in Point Group, hence not requiring any procedural generation. Therefore, Radius will be disabled.

Any number for Count=C that is greater than 0 results in procedurally generated welds, considering all points in Point Group that are within Radius. If Radius is 0, then welds for the closest C points will be generated, no matter their distance.

Radius radius

Search radius for procedurally generated welds. In scene units.

If radius is 0, then welds for the closest Count points will be generated, no matter their distance.


This parameter is only available if Count is greater than 0.


Animated propertiesAnimated

Update the following property values for this constraint at every frame.


It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.

Base Parameters

Radius radiusBase

The radius of the sphere constraining the motion of a Soft point relative to its attachment position.

If the radius value is 0 then the welding is hard and the Stiffness and Viscosity parameters are ignored.

In scene units.

Stiffness stiffnessBase

The stiffness of the soft welding (\(mass/time^2\)).

Viscosity viscosityBase

The viscosity of the soft welding is a viscous ratio and has no dimension.


Radius radiusRange

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Stiffness stiffnessRange

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Viscosity viscosityRange

The multiplier of the painted point attribute values that add up to the base parameter.

Painted Attribute Names

Radius radiusName

The Object B’s geometry point attribute name used as this parameter’s painted values.

Stiffness stiffnessName

The Object B’s geometry point attribute name used as this parameter’s painted values.

Viscosity viscosityName

The Object B’s geometry point attribute name used as this parameter’s painted values.


Constraint Count constraintCount

Number of internal constraints spawned by this node.

Physics Draw

Physics Draw physicsDraw

This dropdown menu provides different drawing options.

See also

Physics Draw

Use Color useColor

Tick to enable custom color for the Physics Draw.

Color colorr colorg colorb

Custom color for the Physics Draw.