
Carbon Rigid Body Macro



Macro node.


This Macro node defines a Rigid Body, by combining a Carbon Rigid and a Carbon Shape via a Carbon Body.


Carbon Node Name carbonNodeName

The name of the Carbon node that will be spawned internally. This name can be different from the UI node.

Activation activation

Enable this object. Use 0 to disable, any other value to enable.

Stasis stasis

Tick to place this object into stasis mode. Can be animated.

Stasis Mode triggers a dynamics integration that ignores all action forces and wipes out all kinetic energy, reducing motion and deformation to only result from the reaction forces generated by constraints, such as collision, joints, or soft body primitives.


If the Carbon Simulation’s Lead Simulation parameter Stasis Mode is toggled on, this node will also be in Stasis mode during the Lead Simulation, even if this node’s Stasis parameter is toggled off.



Mass Box massBox

For the automatically generated Mass Box of the internal Carbon Rigid, choose between Axis Aligned and Object Orientated.

Mass mass

Mass of the internal Rigid. Unit in kg.


Linear linearVelocityx linearVelocityy linearVelocityz

Initial Linear Velocity of the internal Carbon Rigid.

Angular angularVelocityx angularVelocityy angularVelocityz

Initial Angular Velocity of the internal Carbon Rigid.


Primitive Group groupA

Sub-selection of primitives that are used for collision.


This parameter is optional.

Double Sided doubleSided

Tick to use a double-sided collision model (Thickness), untick to use a single-sided collision model (Inner Fatness & Outer Fatness).

Thickness thickness

Thickness of the internal shape. In scene units.


This parameter is only available for double-sided collision.

Inner Fatness innerFatness

Shape’s surface inner volume thickness In scene units.


This parameter is only available for single-sided collision.

Outer Fatness outerFatness

Shape’s surface outer volume thickness In scene units.


This parameter is only available for single-sided collision.


Filtering Gap filteringGap

Collision filtering gap. Inactive when set to 0.

The collision filtering allows weakening of the collisions to avoid layers of cloths getting pinched between bodies or between bodies and colliders.

The gap value specifies the distance threshold between the bodies/colliders which interpenetrations need to be detected.


The gap doesn’t include the outer fatness of the body’s Carbon Shape, it works in addition to it.

Create Output Geometry createOutputGeometry

Enable to create Body output geometry, i.e copy the Shape geometry into this Body.

Collision Material

Animated materialAnimated

Enable animated parameters for this section by evaluating and updating the values at every frame.


It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.

Static Friction staticFriction

Body’s static friction, greater than or equal to 0 and greater than or equal to dynamic friction.

See also


Dynamic Friction dynamicFriction

Body’s dynamic friction, greater than or equal to 0 and smaller than or equal to static friction.

See also


Restitution restitution

Body’s restitution, between 0 and 1. Used during rigid body collisions where the resulting collision energy is modulated by the product of each object’s restitution.


Animated aerodynamicsAnimated

Enable animated parameters for this section by evaluating and updating the values at every frame.


It’s good practice to leave this toggled off when not using animated parameters because it impacts performance.

Form Drag formDrag

Aerodynamics form drag. Shapes with a large apparent cross section exposed to the air flow and with a high form drag coefficient will receive more drag than thinner ones.


Explicit force, so high values can produce instability.

See also


Skin Drag skinDrag

Aerodynamics skin drag. Friction of the skin against the air flow. Usually much smaller, and never bigger than form drag.


Explicit force, so high values can produce instability.

See also


Lift lift

Aerodynamics lift. Lift force coefficient.


Explicit force, so high values can produce instability.

See also


Physics Draw


Physics Draw physicsDraw

This dropdown menu provides different drawing options.


Physics Draw physicsDraw

This dropdown menu provides different drawing options.

See also

Physics Draw

Use Color useColor

Tick to enable custom color for the Physics Draw.

Color colorr colorg colorb

Custom color for the Physics Draw.