Carbon Narrow Filter¶
This node defines narrow collision filter pairs between Carbon Collider, Carbon Morph, or Carbon Cloth objects.
Collision between parts of the two objects defined in the narrow filter will be removed / filtered if:
- Geometry’s points are contained in both (optional) point groups Group A and Group B.
- and/or geometry is constrained by Carbon Constraints defined in the Constraints array.
Please do not use a zero Radius Carbon Binding in conjunction with a Narrow Filter for geometry where 2 open edges meet at zero distance. This can create an over-constrained situation and result in jittering. In general, zero Radius Carbon Binding should be avoided. Applying a strong stiffness value instead will produce the same visual, without the potential negative side effects, such as jittering.
Creating more than one Carbon Narrow Filter node that constrain the same object pair will lead to undefined behavior!
Carbon Node Name carbonNodeName
The name of the Carbon node that will be spawned internally. This name can be different from the UI node.
Activation activation
Enable this object. Use 0 to disable, any other value to enable.
Object A ObjectAName
The name of the first Carbon Object of the narrow collision filter pair.
This can either be a Carbon Collider, a Carbon Morph, or a Carbon Cloth node.
This can be the same object as Object B.
Object B ObjectBName
The name of the second Carbon Object of the narrow collision filter pair.
This must be a Carbon Cloth node.
This can be the same object as Object A.
Point Group A groupA
The points from Object A’s geometry that are used for the Narrow Filter.
If both Point Group A and Point Group B are set to “*”, this Narrow Filter will internally spawn a Carbon Filter for performance reasons. Please note that there is currently no Physics Draw available for Carbon Filter nodes.
This parameter is optional if constraints are specified.
Point Group B groupB
The points from Object B’s geometry that are used for the Narrow Filter.
If both Point Group A and Point Group B are set to “*”, this Narrow Filter will internally spawn a Carbon Filter for performance reasons. Please note that there is currently no Physics Draw available for Carbon Filter nodes.
This parameter is optional if constraints are specified.
Constraints constraints#
Add all points that are involved in this constraint to the Narrow Filter. Can be Carbon Binding, or Carbon Stitching.
This parameter is optional.
Physics Draw¶
Physics Draw physicsDraw
This dropdown menu provides different drawing options.
See also
Use Color useColor
Tick to enable custom color for the Physics Draw.
Color colorr
Custom color for the Physics Draw.
It is recommended to disable/hide the Physics Draw for Object A and Object B, as it will overlap with the Narrow Filter Physics Draw.